I've been a victim of GAS--gear acquisition syndrome--for some time now. You tell me if I used $3000 worth of current photo equipment to take these photos, or my phone. Then look at why Nikon just cut twenty percent of their workforce and moved production to Viet Nam. I think the big camera companies are running scared from the numbers of photos taken by phones and the software that companies like Apple have come out with, along with better sensors and better phone cameras. Look up the iPhone Pro Max for the specific details. It's a whole new world out there for photography, and you either get on the train or stay at the station.
That's not to say that there is a place for "traditional" cameras--and by that I mean the cameras that Nikon, Canon, Fujifilm, and others are producing. It's just to say that we are reaching "peak camera." Consumers and pros don't need a 2.2 pound hunk of metal to take great shots that are worthy of publishing, and a bevy of phone makers are eating away at that market, that need, that HCB in the moment ability to capture what you see.
So. I'll give my camera a few more opportunities. Then we'll see. Which of these photos was taken with an actual camera?
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