We've all had it. That perpetual search for just the right camera. Coming from a long film background, I finally plunged into digital about six years ago by purchasing a Nikon Df. Beautiful camera, beautiful files. Eventually acquired six lenses, four primes and two zooms. Took it on vacation to Scandinavia, and realized, "here's why I never carry this, it's too heavy!" Used my phone.
So, I sold it off and bought into an Olympus kit. Two bodies and about eight lenses. Beautiful cameras and lenses, really enjoyed them. Took a lot of photos. But I noticed my iPhone 11 Pro was taking better pictures, most of the time.... So, the night before I left for a cruise around the Caribbean, I packed them all up and shipped them all off to a buyer, and just took my phone along. Got a lot of great shots and only carried one thing.
Afterwards, rapidly went through a Nikon Z7, a couple of Sonys, and then a Nikon Z50. All good cameras, but all...heavy and complicated and no fun to use. So.
Reminds me of this...
Meanwhile, made a 24x36 print of this frame from my iPhone...
And today, shot this with the phone.
I've got GAS. Don't pull my shutter finger.
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