Okay, a new blog, what next?

Are blogs still a thing?

I've had several blogs over the past decade or more, covering things like Apple products, the county I lived in, poems and prayers and promises, technological haiku, virtual reality, and sailing. Among other subjects.

Eventually, I blew them all away.

This, of course, deleted several hundred hours of thought and writing. Why did I delete them all? It started to seem pointless, despite a couple of my blogs having followers who commented and sort of built a "community." The blogs seemed to me to lose any sort of relevance. Lighting a single candle, and all that. So I chose to curse the darkness.

But recently I've come across a couple of blogs ("are blogs even still a thing, or is everyone just on Facebook, or, even worse, twitter?") that seem to keep the flame alive. Good daily reads. Relevant observations and information. Dare I say it, Journalism in its essential form.

So I'm back.

Here's a cute cat photo.
